Heat Stress Safety | Shepley Wood Products
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Heat Stress Safety

Ways to Protect Against Heat Stress

  • When possible, avoid working in hot areas and in full sun.
  • Take frequent breaks.
  • Use sunblock with at least SPF 15 and re-apply every two hours.
  • Cover up with long-sleeve shirt, hat.
  • Increase fluid intake.
  • Avoid alcohol and excessive caffeine.
  • Reduce activity when exposed to heat.
  • Use buddy system to watch for symptoms.

Top 10 Warning Signs of Heat Stroke

  1. Extremely high body temperature
  2. Hot, dry, skin – an inability to cool the body through perspiration may cause the skin to feel dry.
  3. Increased heart and respiration rates as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to maintain adequate circulation.
  4. Throbbing headache, nausea or vomiting due to dehydration.
  5. Weakness, fainting, or dizziness – especially if standing position is assumed quickly – due to low blood pressure from dehydration.
  6. Muscle cramps
  7. Dark-colored urine – a sign of dehydration
  8. Confused, hostile, or seemingly intoxicated behavior.
  9. Pale or bluish skin color in advanced cases due to constricted blood vessels
  10. Seizures or unconsciousness

What to do if You Suspect Heat Exhaustion

  • Move to air-conditioned environment or at least a cool, shaded area.
  • Loosen or remove unnecessary clothing.
  • Drink plenty of cool water.
  • Fan and spray with cool water.

What to do if You Suspect Heat Stroke

  • Call 911 immediately
  • Move to air-conditioned environment or at least a cool, shaded area.
  • Fan while misting with cool water
  • Loosen or remove unnecessary clothing.
  • Let the person drink cool water (not cold) to rehydrate if able.
  • Place ice packs or cool wet towels on the neck, armpits and groin.

Discussion Points

  • Are you familiar with the signs of heat Stroke?
  • What are the differences between heat stress & Stroke?
  • How can you prevent heat stress?

NOTE: Always promote a discussion on any of the topics covered in the Tool Box Talks. Should any question arise that you cannot answer, don’t hesitate to contact your Employer.

Additional Resources

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Heat Illness Prevention Campaign

OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention campaign, launched in 2011, educates employers and workers on the dangers of working in the heat.

Learn More