Parallel Processing | Shepley Wood Products
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Parallel Processing

Parallel Processing is a computer term that describes the way a computer can perform multiple processing or storage functions at the same time. Computers use this to either increase processing speed or create backup redundancy that protects data integrity. In many ways, parallel processing is responsible for the incredible technological advances of the past few decades. We take this performance for granted and often forget how hard we (and our computers) used to work to perform tasks that today seem effortless. We also forget the learning curve, the frustration, and the confusion that new systems initially bring. Human nature takes us through the inevitable phases of confusion, frustration, re-aiming, acceptance, and finally adoption. What is new almost always confuses and frustrates us, but then we study and calculate a new approach. Eventually, we begin to accept the change and, ultimately, we adopt it as the new "devil we know." What was once new and strange eventually becomes familiar and the status quo.

Our industry contains many parallels. For example, building and energy codes have been changing so quickly that a code element not on an inspector’s radar at the beginning of a job can end up being an area of intense scrutiny by the end. Look at the parallels between blower door testing, window and door installation, and finish hardware installation. In each case, there are prescribed methods for accomplishing a desired result. In blower door testing, it is a process of elimination; in doors, windows, and hardware, the method is spelled out in manufacturer’s instructions.

Blower door testing is an area where builders have been pushed to comply with energy codes, and all towns in our area are enforcing this requirement. Whether you agree with it or not, it’s part of the code. Working with a HERS rater, you can walk through the necessary steps of blower door test preparation and virtually guarantee yourself a good test grade (provided you follow the instructions). Alternatively, you can follow your instincts and hope for the best on the day of the test. 80% of houses prepped by the "instinct method" fail the test. There are too many ways for air to infiltrate through holes, plates, strapping cavities, and the like. Without a defined process, success occurs only 20% of the time. Proper compliance means starting with a plan from the beginning, not patching your way to a passing grade step by painful step.

We see the same parallel process frequently with doors and windows. All windows and doors have been tested (regardless of brand) to various PG (Performance Grade) ratings to quantify their ability to stand up to air and water infiltration. More than 80% of the time we are called out to look at a leaking window or door, we find that the installation was done by instinct, not process. The PG rating of the unit is only as good as the installation. If steps are skipped during installation, the typical success rate of unit performance drops to 20%, and that sounds expensive for everyone. The Building Code requires installation according to manufacturer’s instructions. Frequently, we hear, “Well, I’ve been doing it this way for 30 years.” Up until very recently, we did not have the type of high-performance windows, high-performance insulations such as Icynene, or high-performance blower door testing that we now build with. The construction world is different today than it was even five years ago.

Hardware installation is another parallel. "Instinct" installation has a low success rate with hardware as well. Taking the time to do it right, following the instructions, and sticking to the plan significantly increases success and decreases the cost of do-overs.

“If there isn’t time to do it right, there’s always time to do it twice” is part of Murphy’s Laws of Passive Dynamics. But who pays the cost of doing it twice? Surely not Mr. Murphy! The answer is: you do. Part of experience is learning that in any area of tight tolerances or air and water infiltration, there are no shortcuts. Shortcuts are only the quickest route to the longest, most expensive way around—period.

“People do what you inspect, not what you expect” is Mobley’s 3rd Law. Proper window and door installation are key to achieving a successful blower door test result, but they also play a crucial role in preventing water infiltration, moisture damage, mold, and potential subsequent lawsuits. Shepley offers window and door installation classes and on-site installation clinics to demonstrate the process that will improve your success rate. Please take the time to do things right and don’t fall victim to the old “Pay me now or pay me more later” syndrome. Set yourself up for success by taking control of the process instead of leaving it up to chance. By the way, it’s the law!

If you’re looking for a New Year’s resolution, how about “do it right, do it once”? None of us get paid for do-overs! Here’s to your success in 2025!

"The future depends on what we do in the present." – Mahatma Gandhi