Preventing Cyber Security | Shepley Wood Products
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Preventing Cyber Security

What are the hazards associated with cyber security? If we are not careful with our personal information or company information, we may be subject to hacking or internet thieves. Opening emails or attachments we are not sure about could lead to hacking of personal or company information. Visiting websites or clicking on pop-up advertisements could also lead to information being stolen or hacked.

Provide an example of a cyber security breach:

Bill was in the middle of a call when he received an email identified as “high importance”. He glanced at it during the call and saw that the sender was someone from the corporate office. The attachment was titled “INFORMATION NEEDED FOR PREQUALIFICATION”. Bill opened the email and then the attachment as he continued his phone call. Ten seconds later, Bill’s computer froze and then the screen went black. The computer rebooted, but to Bill’s surprise a message popped up saying “YOU”VE BEEN HACKED!” To regain access back to your computer transfer $10,000 in bitcoin to this account.

How do we prevent cyber hacking?

Be vigilant and identify the sender of the email, subject line, and possible attachments. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do you know this person?
  2. Does this email address look valid?
  3. Do the attachments make sense?

Notify your IT department or an IT consultant if you’re unsure about an email, you become victim of hacking, or if you have any questions about cyber security.

NOTE: Always promote a discussion on any of the topics covered in the Tool Box Talks. Should any question arise that you cannot answer, don’t hesitate to contact your Employer.