Have you ever spent an entire day digging holes on a humid summer afternoon or in freezing winter temperatures? Or dug a post hole in the sandy terrain just to have it collapse? Just imagine how much time you would save if you didn’t have to worry about excavation, hauling dirt, and mixing concrete every time you built a deck foundation. “There has to be a better way…” It was these same scenarios that inspired the invention of the Diamond Pier Foundation System over 25 years ago.
The Diamond Pier foundation uses the strength of a precast concrete head to lock in four weight-bearing, galvanized steel pins that transfer the load to a larger area of undisturbed soil than the traditional concrete footing. The time-tested spread pile technology is fast, easy-to-use, low-impact, and sturdy. Similar to tree roots, the load bearing pins spread deep and wide into the earth at an angle, providing your structure with a greater bearing area, and increased uplift and lateral resistance.
Why Choose Diamond Pier?
Using Diamond Pier footings eliminates digging holes, hauling away dirt, and waiting for concrete to dry – saving you days of potential work. With this efficient system, you can set footings quickly and begin construction the same day.
Less Downtime
The pin length is inspected by simply running a tape measure down the pin after installation. Since there is no waiting around for a hole inspection or concrete to dry, you can start framing immediately.
No Excavation = No Mess
Diamond Pier footings can be easily installed into the existing landscape using only handheld tools. Since there is no excavation, you do not need to worry about damaging surrounding plants. You’ll be left with a clean job site and a happy homeowner.
Structurally Rated
The Diamond Pier concrete head is manufactured under controlled conditions and is not subject to variables in the field that can weaken a site-poured concrete footing and compromise its bearing, uplift, and lateral load requirements.

How it Works
The Diamond Pier foundation uses the strength of a precast concrete head to lock in four weight-bearing, galvanized steel pins that transfer the load to a larger area of undisturbed soil than the traditional concrete footing.
Give Diamond Pier a try on your next decking project and you’ll see why this system is the better way to install a reliable and durable foundation that will last the lifetime of your structure!
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Shepley Minute: Diamond Pier Foundation System
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