For decades, the building industry has been trying to tighten the building envelope. Advances in technology and building codes have resulted in new moisture management systems to better protect our homes. Building professionals are learning that a home can actually be “too tight” and unwanted water is always going to find a way in. Instead of attempting to keep water and moisture out, house wrap products have evolved to help walls dry when moisture inevitably gets in the building enclosure. Drainable house wrap products offer a powerful defense against the elements by allowing walls to breathe and giving moisture vapor an escape route.
This technology is critical when dealing with our harsh coastal weather on Cape Cod and Nantucket. Typar Drainable Wrap offers our best defense against excess water. With an additional layer of integrated polypropylene fibers that create a highly efficient drainage gap, Typar Drainable Wrap provides moisture control like no other. The first line of defense is exterior cladding, but water is notorious for driving its way behind cladding. So for these wet coastal climates you want all the extra help you can get to prevent rot, mold, and liabilities and avoid costly repairs and callbacks.
Water will find a way in no matter how tight the wall. It is essential to use a moisture management system that provides water resistance, durability, and breathability. Typar Drainable Wrap gives you the ability to shed excess moisture faster than conventional house wraps.
Benefits of Typar Drainable Wrap
Drains bulk water significantly faster than most conventional house wraps, per ASTM E2273 testing.
Exceeds minimum AC38 Code Requirement for Drainage Efficiency as per ASTM E2273.
It’s drainable. It’s Typar. And it’s part of our lifetime limited system warranty coverage.
Install any direction without affecting performance.
For more information on Typar Drainable Wraps or moisture management products, get in touch with your Shepley Sales Representative. Our team of product experts are here to help.