Toolbox Talks | Shepley Wood Products


Information, resources, and news from Shepley for building professionals on Cape Cod and Nantucket.

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Why Accidents Occur

Every accident is caused by a breakdown in one of four areas: the worker, the tools used, the materials used, or the methods used. Often there is a breakdown in at least two areas; one being the worker and the other coming from one of the...

Ex cord

Toolbox Talks: Extension Cords

Extension cords are everywhere Extension cords can be found in nearly all vocational settings due to the widespread use of electronic equipment and electrically powered tools. They are more susceptible to damage than fixed wiring because...


Toolbox Talks

Floor and Roof Openings Proactive preventive safety measures: Safely covering an opening with a piece of plywood requires more than placing the material over the hole. The hole should be covered and secured with a cover...

“Unity is vision; it must have been part of the process of learning to see.”

Henry Adams, American historian and member of the Adams political family

Electrical Hazards

Electrical hazards are doubly hazardous in that there is not only the chance of electrocution but also, there is the probability that any electric shock will cause a loss of consciousness that may well result in a fall of some sort. Today...

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National Safety Stand-Down

National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction May 6-10, 2019 The 6th annual National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls will take place the week of May 6-10, 2019. The Stand-Down was conceived by OSHA in 2014 as part of the...

Ladder safety

National Ladder Safety Month

April is National Ladder Safety Month Did you know… $17.1 billion is spent on workplace falls Falls are in the top 3 most disabling workplace injuries Ladders are #6 on OSHA’s Top 10 Most Cited Violations list Using Ladders Choose the...