Shepformation | Shepley Wood Products


Information, resources, and news from Shepley for building professionals on Cape Cod and Nantucket.

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Halo®: The Advanced Graphite Insulation System

Designed for various applications, from below-grade to above-grade, Halo® provides high-performance rigid insulation.

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Lumber Market Report- November

There was much anticipation in New England that October would be a strong month, and it did not disappoint: business was brisk, and many dealers had to react fast to replenish what was flying out the door.


MultiCedre A/B Grade White Cedar Shingles and Bleaching Stain

As the demand for high-quality building materials continues to grow, MultiCedre A/B Grade White Cedar Shingles stand out as a top choice on Cape Cod and the Islands.

“With great power; there must also come great responsibility.”

Uncle Ben, Spider-Man
Fall wood

Lumber Market Report-October

Thinning inventories on both the retail and wholesale ends kept activity motoring along in September, but dealers mostly stuck to the sidelines, ordering fill-in stock and not much more.

Man using fire extinguisher

October is Fire Safety Month

Is your workplace or home fireproof? The NFPA celebrates National Fire Safety Month in October, emphasizing fire prevention.


The Shepley Wide Open

27 years ago in 1997, one of our ace outside salespeople, Ron Winner, made a suggestion at one of our all-hands sales meetings that brought all conversation to a halt. He said, “What do you think about having a Shepley golf tournament?”