Shepformation | Shepley Wood Products


Information, resources, and news from Shepley for building professionals on Cape Cod and Nantucket.

Terra firma

Cat Therapy

For the next time you face a business or personal challenge remember this..

FI 2017 Blog Images august pedestrian 1 2

September is Pedestrian Safety Month

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience as a pedestrian.


Nantucket Beadboard: Redefining Home Interiors with Elegance and Innovation

Nantucket Beadboard has long been a pioneer in the industry, consistently pushing the boundaries to redefine the possibilities of home interiors.

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

John Wooden, American Basketball Player and Coach

Lumber Market Report-September

August proved to be a difficult month for the lumber market, as extreme heat, summer vacations, wet weather, and a general pause in the action all played roles in slow sales on the retail level.


We Are Who We Are when No One is Looking

Too often we find ourselves in a world of silos. We are aware of ourselves, but not always aware of others. It’s easy to be self-absorbed, just as it is easy to be defensive. It is harder to think outside ourselves and also to simply pay it forward.

Cookouts 2023 Page 7

Shepley Contractor Cookouts

Shepley is hosting an appreciation cookout for staff and customers throughout the summer at each of our locations. Nantucket and Wellfleet will be held on Thursdays. Hyannis will be on Fridays.